Public Liability?

Get answers with a confidential, free, no-obligation initial consultation about your public or occupier liability case. Contact us or Call 1800 96 00 96

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Occupiers of land, buildings, public and even private spaces owe a duty of care to people in their space to take reasonable care to avoid people suffering injury. In some cases the duty of care can even be owed to an illegal trespasser – although in that case the standard of the duty of care would be lower. If you have been injured in a slip, trip or fall, a tree branch has fallen on you or some other accident has caused you an injury, you may be able to make a public liability claim.

Public Liability Expertise

Some public liability claims will require special expert evidence to win. An engineer or other type of safety expert may need to examine the circumstances of the accident and provide a report. It is also a good idea if you can take photos and even videos of the accident scene immediately so that you can prove what happened later. You should also make an incident report and take a copy of it for your records (take a photo of each page if you can). Taking names and contact details of witnesses who saw the accident is also a good idea.

Contact us for a confidential, free, no-obligation initial consultation about your public or occupier’s liability case.